
How historically accurate are the total war games?

How historically accurate are the total war games?

It varies quite a bit. Pretty damn accurate compared to most popular entertainment: but enough deviations to throw off a major history buff.

Is Rome total war realistic?

For example a Roman cohort consisted of about 480 men, while in RTW it consists of 80 or 160 depending on your settings. Tens and even hundreds of thousands of soldiers participated in real-life battles while in RTW it is only about a few thousand. As far as the battle itself is considered it is pretty realistic.

What is difference between total war and limited war?

total war, military conflict in which the contenders are willing to make any sacrifice in lives and other resources to obtain a complete victory, as distinguished from limited war. Throughout history, limitations on the scope of warfare have been more economic and social than political.

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What is the best definition of total war?

The term has been defined as “A war that is unrestricted in terms of the weapons used, the territory or combatants involved, or the objectives pursued, especially one in which the laws of war are disregarded.” In the mid-19th century, scholars identified total war as a separate class of warfare.

Why is World war One considered a total war?

World War I was a ‘total war’ as civilian societies, economies and labour were all seconded to the war effort. 2. Britain’s Defence of the Realm Act gave its leaders extensive powers to reduce threats and harness the economy.

Why was ww2 a total war?

The fact that almost all resources and all people were involved in WWII from the nations involved, in reference to civilians, women and the military, make it evident of being a total war.

Was WWI a total war?

World War I was a ‘total war’ that involved the governments, economies and populations of participating nations to an extent never seen before in history. This was distinct from how wars had been previously been fought.