
How is a PCL repair done?

How is a PCL repair done?

Most PCL reconstruction is performed using knee arthroscopy. In this minimally invasive procedure, the surgeon makes several small incisions around the knee joint and inserts a narrow fiber optic scope (called an arthroscope) to examine the condition of the knee.

Can PCL be repaired?

If enough of the ligament is intact, the damaged PCL may be reattached to the bone. Any tears in the ligament will be repaired. If the PCL needs to be reconstructed, a tendon from another part of the body or a donor will be used. The remains of the damaged ligament will be cleaned away from the knee joint.

How long does it take to recover from PCL surgery?

Expected recovery usually occurs in about three months at which time swelling may be resolved and strength recovered. A full return to active sports is usually possible. If PCL reconstruction is needed, full recovery may take 9-12 months.

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How long does it take to walk after PCL surgery?

4-6 weeks: Brace unlocked for gait in controlled environment only (i.e. patient may walk with brace unlocked while attending PT or when at home). 6-8 weeks: Brace unlocked for all activities.

Is PCL reconstruction necessary?

Patients with grade 2 PCL tears should consider reconstruction if they have trouble decelerating, going down inclines, going down hills, or if they start to develop pain in their kneecap joint or along the inside (medial joint line) of their knee.

How long is recovery for PCL?

How long can I walk after PCL surgery?

Walking & Crutches: You should use your crutches for at least 2 weeks after surgery. If needed, some patients feel more comfortable using their crutches for up to 4 weeks.

Can I live without PCL?

A recent study publish in the prestigious American Journal of Sports Medicine demonstrated that PCL injuries can be successfully treated without surgery.

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Can I walk with a torn PCL?

In mild cases, people may still be able to walk and their symptoms may be less noticeable. However, many people have difficulty walking after a PCL injury — especially if the damage is severe.