
How is Google Fi service in Canada?

How is Google Fi service in Canada?

Calls from Canada & Mexico are 20¢/min. Calls over Wi-Fi to the US, Canada & Mexico are included free. Calls over Wi-Fi to other destinations are charged at affordable per-minute rates depending on the country. Calls to other destinations are charged at affordable per-minute rates depending on the destination.

Does project fi work in Canada?

However, Canadians can get Project Fi. There are a few steps you need to complete, but it’s pretty easy to set everything up. As well, Project Fi works with any unlocked device. I’ve now had the service for three years, and don’t plan on dropping it anytime soon since they added coverage for Canada and Mexico.

Why is Project Fi so expensive?

The reason Fi is so expensive for these folks is that it wasn’t meant for them — it was meant for people who use very little data (like me) because they’re always around wifi. My data fee is usually $2, so on average I pay $24 a month, which is massively inexpensive.

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What networks does Google Fi use in Canada?

You should be able to use any of Rogers, Bell and Telus once the phone realizes you are in Canada. Fi connects in Toronto with LTE no problem. You need to ensure you have mobile roaming turned on and that you have enabled service outside of the US within the app’s Manage Plan settings.

Does fi ship to Canada?

Calls to Canada and Mexico are included free on all Fi plans. On Unlimited Plus, you get free international calls from the US to 50+ countries and territories. For calls to other countries, you’ll be charged affordable per-minute rates depending on the countries you’re calling.

Can Iphone Google Fi?

All phones designed for Fi, most Android phones and most iPhones will work with Google Fi. You can buy a new phone designed for Fi or a SIM kit for your existing compatible device from Google Fi.

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Does Google FI have roaming charges?

Where Does International Roaming Come Into Play? International roaming is included at no charge with both the Flexible and Unlimited Google Fi plans. On the Flexible plan, international data is charged at the same $10 per GB as domestic data.