
How likely is it to get a waiver for the army?

How likely is it to get a waiver for the army?

Because the National Guard Bureau is considered its own Defense Department component, applicants have another “chance” with the Army or Air National Guard as well. Thus, you may have five to seven chances at receiving a medical waiver.

What are the vision requirements for the Army?

From OPM: Corrected distant vision must be at least 20/30 in one eye and 20/70 in the other eye. Uncorrected distant vision is required only if it is likely that corrective lenses may be lost or broken. If so, uncorrected distant vision must be at least 20/100 binocular. Ability to distinguish basic colors is required.

How long is basic training in the military?

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about ten weeks
Basic Combat Training comes in three phases and lasts about ten weeks, depending on your military occupational specialty (MOS). After you graduate from basic training, you will undergo two additional phases of training, known as Advanced Individual Training, where you will learn the job skills required of your MOS.

How long do army waivers take?

Military waivers can take from three weeks to three months to be approved. The time duration depends on a variety of factors, like medical waivers and moral waivers.

How hard is it to get a military waiver?

Waivers for entrance into the military are available, but they are not easy to obtain. There is a long list of reasons why the military may disqualify a potential recruit: illegal activity, medical conditions, minimum height, and even age.

How do Army waivers work?

If you need a waiver, that means you are ineligible to join the military. The waiver is the process of you asking the service to make an exception in your particular case. Only a military recruiter can initiate a moral waiver request.

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Can I join the military with one eye?

No you cannot. No you cannot join the Army with a blind eye, the DODMERB exam will disqualify you on account of your disability. You might be able to apply for a waiver and get a non-combat role in the Army but you will still have to meet the physical requirements of being a soldier.