
How long after ankle ligament surgery can I run?

How long after ankle ligament surgery can I run?

Once the wound has healed, and provided that you follow your rehabilitation programme (which can take around three months), most people are able to return to a good level of activity and sports within four to six months, with continued improvement for up to a year.

How long does it take to recover from ankle ligament reconstruction?

Once the pain and swelling begins to go down, it is recommended for patients to involve themselves in physical therapy. Over time, straight-line running will be allowed. The total recovery time for a Lateral Ankle Ligament Reconstruction is anywhere between six to twelve months.

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When can I drive after ankle surgery?

Conclusion: We conclude that patients with isolated, surgically treated right ankle fractures can successfully pass a standard driving test at 6 weeks post-surgery, even before weight bearing has been initiated. We also showed that the ability to drive correlates with improvements in the SMFA scores and braking times.

Can you play sports after ankle surgery?

Once your ankle has been through the rehabilitation process, you will likely be approved to return to play after 10-12 weeks.

How do they fix torn ligaments in ankle?

Your doctor may be able to repair the torn ligament with stitches or sutures. In some cases, he or she will reconstruct the damaged ligament by replacing it with a tissue graft obtained from other ligaments and/or tendons found in the foot and around the ankle.

How painful is ankle reconstruction surgery?

However, it is common to experience some amount of pain for up to 2-3 months after surgery. This pain is usually mild and occurs after increased physical activities. You can apply ice to your ankle or take anti-inflammatory medications of this occurs.

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Do completely torn ankle ligaments heal?

Even a complete ligament tear can heal without surgical repair if it is immobilized appropriately. A three-phase program guides treatment for all ankle sprains—from mild to severe: Phase 1 includes resting, protecting the ankle and reducing the swelling.

Can you drive with ankle boot?

It is NOT safe to drive with a cam boot or cast. The bottom line, here, is that braking response time – the time it takes to brake in response to a perceived need – is significantly increased whenever the ankle is restricted. Thus, it is NOT safe to drive with a cam boot or cast.

Can you drive with a torn ligament in foot?

Driving: if you have sprained your ankle you should avoid driving until the strength and mobility has returned to your ankle.

How long after ankle surgery can I play football?

For example, recovery from Achilles tendon surgery can take, on average, 9-12 months before an athlete can return to the playing field, explains Clanton. So, wherever you’re playing football this Sunday, it is important to keep an eye on your feet and ankles.

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Can you play football with a fractured ankle?

Return to play depends on both the ankle fracture and the athlete. Motivated athletes can generally return to sports with documentation of fracture healing and return of normal strength and motion.