
How long do Vodafone keep texts?

How long do Vodafone keep texts?

12 months
Information you’d like. Including internal notes made by Vodafone and any correspondence from the account holder. For Pay as you go customers, we only store records of calls, texts and picture messages for 12 months. We only store these for 12 months.

How long are text messages stored on server?

The text messages are stored in both locations. Some phone companies also keep records of sent text messages. They sit on the company’s server for anywhere from three days to three months, depending on the company’s policy.

Do SMS messages get stored?

In general, Android SMS are stored in a database in the data folder located in the internal memory of the Android phone.

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How far back do text records go?

Clinton, No. 12-cr-40018, 2012 WL 5185746 (D.S.D Oct.

How long are text messages stored UK?

Other information, such as on text messages, should be kept for six months, as should records on e-mail log-ons, plus sent and received e-mail. Web activity – such as the URL of web sites visited – should be kept for four days.

How far back can text messages be retrieved UK?

sixty days to seven years
How far back can text messages be retrieved? All of the providers retained records of the date and time of the text message and the parties to the message for time periods ranging from sixty days to seven years. However, the majority of cellular service providers do not save the content of text messages at all.

How can you retrieve old texts?

How to recover deleted texts on Android

  1. Open Google Drive.
  2. Go to the Menu.
  3. Choose Settings.
  4. Choose Google Backup.
  5. If your device has been backed up, you should see the name of your device listed.
  6. Select the name of your device. You should see SMS Text Messages with a timestamp indicating when the last backup took place.
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How long are texts saved on Android?

Tap Settings, Messages, then scroll down and tap Keep Messages (under the Message History heading). Go ahead and decide how long you’d like to keep old text messages before they’re deleted: for 30 days, a whole year, or forever and ever. In case you’re wondering, no—there aren’t any custom settings.

How long do text messages stay on Android phone?

How long do text messages stay on android phone?