
How long does it take for you to miss a chat in Mystic Messenger?

How long does it take for you to miss a chat in Mystic Messenger?

New chat rooms usually open after 1-2 hours. If you miss a chat session, the conversation still occurs without you. After that, you can read the conversation but will not be able to interact with the characters during that time.

What happens if you don’t complete a day in Mystic Messenger?

Nothing bad happens if you miss a day, so long as you have participated in enough chats overall. So, if you get a decent amount of chats in Days 3 and 4, it shouldn’t be a big deal that you missed a lot of Day 2.

Why can’t I enter a chatroom in Mystic Messenger?

Thanks !! This means that you’ve missed the chatroom! Each chat has a specific window of time wgere you can participate, after the next chat opens you have to skip it or pay to participate. Im having the same problem, Its my first time playing this game.

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How do you get an hourglasses Day 1 mystic messenger?

Hourglasses appear randomly whenever someone’s chat bubble has cute emotes around it (like the cloud outlined ones or the hearts that surround them – I believe there is a higher chance of gaining them when you select a favourable answer for the characters).

How long does the party last in Mystic Messenger?

The story lasts for 11 days per route. The first day concerns the game’s prologue, three days for the “common route”, six days focusing on a route of a character, and one day for the party. The game plays in real time, where players can receive text messages and join the group chat in a special messenger.

What’s the best time to start Mystic Messenger?

Tips. Start a new Mystic Messenger playthrough as early in the day as you can; otherwise, you’ll miss a bunch of content for that day. You’ll need to begin a new game around midday in order to secure a good ending, and just after midnight if you want to see every single possible chat.

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