
How many cubic feet is a 48000 grain water softener?

How many cubic feet is a 48000 grain water softener?

1.5 cubic Foot
1.5 cubic Foot (48k) On Demand Whole Home Water Softener with High Capacity Resin.

How many gallons will my softener soften?

Daily Water Use: 4 People X 75 Gallons per day = 300 gallons per day. Daily Softening Requirement = 10 grains per gallon X 300 gallons per day = 3000 grains per day. In the example above, the softener will be removing 3000 grains per day. A softener is usually sized to regenerate about once per week.

What size water softener do I need for family of 5?

Determine the proper water softener based on your hardness and number of people in your house.

Hardness in Grains Per Gallon 1 to 2 people* 5 to 6 people*
11-20 GPG 32,000 Grain 40,000 Grain
21-30 GPG 32,000 Grain 64,000 Grain
31-40 GPG 40,000 Grain 64,000 Grain
41-50 GPG 64,000 Grain 96,000 Grain

What is grain capacity?

Grains capacity is simply the amount of hardness that can be removed by a water softener before it must regenerated. The grains capacity of a softener is the weight of calcium and magnesium hardness compounds that can be removed from the water before the softener is saturated and must be regenerated.

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How do you convert grain gallons to PPM?

Use the following information to convert gpg to ppm: 1 grain per U.S. gallon (gpg) = 17.1 milligrams per liter (mg/L) = 17.1 ppm (parts per million).

How many cubic feet is 48000 grains?

1.5 cubic feet
Water Quality This family would do best with either a 48,000 grain unit (1.5 cubic feet), or ideally a 64,000 grain unit (2 cubic feet). Anything smaller would run out of capacity and work too hard to keep up.

Can your water softener be too big?

If your water softener is too big for your home, it won’t do enough work to trigger regeneration on time. When a water softener doesn’t regenerate, it’s not as effective and bacteria can grow in the tank. Make sure your water softener is properly sized for your home with the right quantity of resin beads for the job.

How much water softener resin do I need?

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Depending on its size, the amount of resin should be anywhere from 0.64 to 2.00 cubic feet. When you get the amount right, you eliminate one potential source of water softener problem.

What does the grain number mean in water softener?

As mentioned above, the capacity of a water softener describes how much hardness it can remove before it needs to regenerate. A “grain” of hardness is 1/7000th of a pound of dissolved calcium and magnesium. One cubic foot of resin requires between 18 pounds of salt to achieve 30,000 grains of recovered capacity!