
How many hours is Guild Wars 2?

How many hours is Guild Wars 2?


Single-Player Polled Average
Main Story 25 87h 16m
Main + Extras 26 259h 12m
Completionists 11 1961h 18m
All PlayStyles 62 491h 52m

Is Guild Wars 2 fun to play?

Definitely yes! Guild Wars 2 offers a huge amount of unique content that competing MMOs lack of. There are a lot of people playing it, so you will never have trouble finding a party for a dungeon\raid or match in PvP in no time. Guild Wars 2 is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game.

Is Guild Wars 2 worth playing solo?

For open world PvE yes this game can easily be played solo. Obviously since it’s an MMO you will usually be around other people most of the time, but it’s pretty easy to be able to do your own things without needing to rely on working with other people.

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Can you play Guild Wars 2 casually?

If you don’t care about fashion then GW2 is super casual. If you play for fashion either you spend tons of money or you have in front of you one of the grindiest MMOs out there. All in all, I honestly believe a game like FFXIV is a much more casual friendly game.

How long does the personal story take gw2?

Each instance takes on average bout 20 minutes (some longer, some smaller). So thats bout 17 hours work.

How many players does Guild Wars 2 have?

Guild Wars 2 is a vast online world for you to explore alongside a global community of over 16 million players.

Is Guild Wars 2 free?

While Guild Wars 2 is available to play for free simply by signing up for an account, buying the game unlocks a multitude of features and benefits to aid in your travels through Tyria.

How much does Guild Wars 2 cost?

Guild Wars 2 is now free. You can download and play it right now, for nothing. But rather than a full free-to-play transition, ArenaNet is instead changing what you pay for. The core game is free; the upcoming expansion—Heart of Thorns—is not.

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Is personal story worth doing gw2?

If you’re only interested in the rewards and don’t care about the story then no, there’s no reason to finish it. I think the only unique reward is a Pact Weapon chest, but the weapons themselves are tradable, so if you wanted one (or more) and didn’t want to complete the story you could just buy them.