
How many minutes of video can a Flash Drive hold?

How many minutes of video can a Flash Drive hold?

4GB – can hold approximately 2560 images, 960 MP3 files, 76800 pages of Word documents, or 1280 minutes of video. 8GB – can hold approximately 5120 images, 1920 MP3 files, 153600 pages of Word documents, or 2560 minutes of video.

How many videos can a 32GB flash drive hold?

Number of photos, songs, documents, and video hours a SanDisk Cruzer USB flash drive can hold

Flash drive capacity Photos1 Video Hours4
32GB 1000 80 mins
16GB 500 40 mins
8GB 250 20 mins
4GB 225 10 mins

How many movies can 128GB USB Flash Drive hold?

Storage Chart

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Storage Capacity1 Photos (Compressed JPEG) Storage Usage
8MP Compressed .MP4 Movies
64GB 24000 56
128GB 48000 112
256GB 96000 224

How much does a 32GB flash drive cost?

Compare with similar items

This item SanDisk 32GB Cruzer USB 2.0 Flash Drive – SDCZ36-032G-B35 SanDisk 32GB Cruzer Glide USB 2.0 Flash Drive – SDCZ60-032G-B35
Price $1335 $7.20$7.20
Sold By First Choice Online
Digital Storage Capacity 32.0 GB 32 GB
Hardware Interface USB 2.0 USB 2.0

How many 1.5 GB movie can you store in a 2tb flash drive?

You could fit approximately 500 hours worth of movies on one terabyte. Assuming each movie is roughly 120 minutes long, that would be about 250 movies.

How big of a flash drive do I need for a movie?

What size USB flash drive do you need?

Size of USB Photos (12MP) HD Video (Minutes)
16GB Up to 3,800 Up to 250
32GB Up to 7,600 Up to 500
64GB Up to 15,200 Up to 1,000
128GB Up to 30,400 Up to 2,000
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Is there a 32 GB flash drive?

The 32GB Ultra USB 3.0 Flash Drive from SanDisk makes it simple to take all of your files with you on the go. With USB 2.0 and 3.0 compatibility you can plug this flash drive into nearly any PC or Mac and transfer your data to and from the drive at data speeds up to 130 MB/s. …