
How many students appeared for MPSC Engineering 2019?

How many students appeared for MPSC Engineering 2019?

A total of 3.6 lakh students had appeared for the prelims, while 6,825 candidates were shortlisted for the final exams in July 2019.

How many students appeared MPSC 2020?

Over 2.5 lakh aspirants have applied for the MPSC 2020 examination. The State Service Exam or the MPSC Rajyaseva Exam is conducted by the commission to recruit Group A and Group B officers in the various administrative branches of the Maharashtra state government.

What is the cut off for MPSC Prelims?

The cutoff for the MPSC Prelim exam and the Main exam are given category-wise….MPSC Prelims Expected Cutoffs 2020-21.

Category Cutoff (Expected)
ST General: 165-170 Female: 150-155
OBC General: 195-200 Female: 180-185
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Can I apply for MPSC after engineering?

According to the Details given in the Maharashtra Engineering Services Jobs 2020 (MPSC Prelims Exam) Notification, candidates who completed their Graduation in Relavent field from any Recognized Institute or University in India, as the Educational Qualification are eligible.

How many seats are there in MPSC?

During the time of the MPSC 2020-21 advertisement, the exam conducting authority announced the number of vacancies, which was 342. After that, the number of vacancies had been revised to 339.

What is the cut off of MPSC Prelims 2019?

Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) releases the cut-off for State Service Examination every year along with the result. The prelims 2019 result and cutoff were released on 23rd May 2019….MPSC Rajyaseva Cut off 2019.

Category Sub – Category Prelims cut off
ST General 167
Female 150
OBC General 197
Female 180