
How many UDP packets can be sent per second?

How many UDP packets can be sent per second?

The general goal is to determine the highest value that does not overwhelm any receiving hardware. To begin, try a value within the range 50,000 to 150,000 packets per second.

What is UDP rate?

UDP packets are transmitted at a rate of 64 Kbps here, and 80-byte UDP packets are transmitted at a rate of 100 packets/sec, whereas 320-byte UDP packet share transmitted at a rate of only 25 packets/sec.

What is the maximum number of packets per second that can be transmitted by the link?

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So, the NSA 2400, with full DPI, can process 12,500 packets per second. The NSA 2400 supported stateful Inspection throughput is 775 Mbps, i.e., the aggregate of bandwidth processing in both directions at the same time. So, the NSA 2400, with only stateful Inspection, can process 64,584 packets per second.

How do you calculate packets per second?

Figure 1: ‘Space’ Occupied by the smallest packet Then we can calculate how many packets per second need to be processed if the port is to transmit at wire speed: PPS = (125,000,000 bytes/s) / (84 bytes/packet) = 1,488,095 pps.

What is Max number of bytes in a UDP payload?

The maximum number of bytes that can be included in a UDP payload is (2^16 – 1) bytes plus the header bytes. This gives 65535 bytes – 8 bytes = 65527 bytes.

What happens if a single UDP packet is lost during?

Packet loss directly reduces throughput for a given sender as some sent data is never received and can’t be counted as throughput. When reliable delivery is necessary, packet loss increases latency due to additional time needed for retransmission.

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Can UDP drop packets?

On every UDP socket, there’s a “socket send buffer” that you put packets into. So if you have a network card that’s too slow or something, it’s possible that it will not be able to send the packets as fast as you put them in! So you will drop packets.

Is there a limit on the number of packets per second?

Therefore any CPU will have a limit on the number of packets per second it can process, even of you don’t actually do any processing on the hardware. Even the transfer of the packet from kernel space, where it is received, to user space, where your program runs, has a significant overhead.

What is the maximum packet count allowed in iptables?

I ended up with this iptables code: The maximum packet count in the limit module seems to be 10.000 pps. Unfortunately to low for my needs. I am going to check chapter 9 of the Linux HOWTO.

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What is the maximum packet count in the limit module?

The maximum packet count in the limit module seems to be 10.000 pps. Unfortunately to low for my needs. I am going to check chapter 9 of the Linux HOWTO. Maybe i can handle it with traffic shaping. If anybody knows another way it could work please let me know it.

Why does UDP receive take so long to send?

That’s caused by a lock contention on the UDP receive buffer side. Since both threads are using the same socket descriptor, they spend a disproportionate amount of time fighting for a lock around the UDP receive buffer. This paper describes the problem in more detail.