
How much can I get for a 1945 penny?

How much can I get for a 1945 penny?

1945 Penny Value

1945 Lincoln Penny Value
Condition of Coin
1945 $0.02 $0.04
1945 D $0.02 $0.04
1945 S $0.03 $0.05

How rare is a 1945 wheat penny?

Valuing the 1945 Wheat Penny Roughly, this coins value, in average condition, can be estimated to be valued at about $0.15, while a 1945 Wheat Penny in certified mint state (MS+) condition might auction for as much as $3*.

What are the rarest wheat pennies?

Most Valuable Wheat Pennies

  • 1944 Steel Wheat Penny – $500,000.
  • 1943 Copper Wheat Penny – $100,000.
  • 1914 D Wheat Penny – $10,000.
  • 1922 D Wheat Penny – $6,000.
  • 1926 Wheat Penny – $4,000.

Which 1940s penny is worth the most?

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Some 1940 Lincoln proof pennies go for $25 or more. In 2006, a 1940 Lincoln penny in mint state 68 Red was sold for $14 950, as per information from the Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS). This guide discusses the 1940 Wheat penny.

How much is AE pluribus unum penny worth?

The middle word in “E Pluribus Unum” on the reverse side of the coin is spelled “Pluridus.” Estimated value: 50 cents to $25.

What year is the rarest wheat penny?

Considered to be the most valuable of the non-error Wheat Pennies, the 1914 D Wheat Penny commands an asking price range from $281 to $4,268.

What is a 1940 d wheat penny worth?

1940 Penny Value

1940 Lincoln Penny Value
Condition of Coin
1940 $0.02 $1.48
1940 D $0.02 $2.84
1940 S $0.03 $2.44

What does E Pluribus Unum mean on a penny?

One out of many
“E Pluribus Unum” means “One out of many”. “In God We Trust” appeared for the first time on the Lincoln penny. Congress passed the Act of March 3, 1865, authorizing the use of this motto on our coins during Lincoln’s tenure in office. Victor David Brenner was the artist who was commissioned to design the coin.