
How much do companies pay for cybersecurity?

How much do companies pay for cybersecurity?

The actual amount companies spend on cybersecurity is often tied to their IT budget, which helps account for company size and IT infrastructure. Estimates of what companies currently pay vary, ranging from an additional 5.6\% to up to 20\% of the company’s total IT spend.

How much does SMB cost?

Median and average monthly costs of small business insurance

Policy Median cost Average cost
General liability $42/month $65/month
Business owner’s policy (BOP) $53/month $99/month
Professional liability (E&O) $59/month $97/month
Workers’ compensation $47/month $111/month

How much should a company spend on cyber security?

According to this report, the average company will spend somewhere between 6\% and 14\% of their annual IT budget on cybersecurity.

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How much does cyber security pay per hour?

How Much Do Cyber Security Jobs Pay per Hour?

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
Top Earners $185,500 $89
75th Percentile $145,500 $70
Average $112,974 $54
25th Percentile $60,000 $29

What percentage should a company spend on IT?

Overall as of 2013, businesses seem to spend between 4-6\% of their revenue on IT, and this range is recommended by CIO Magazine. Company size generally has a large effect on the budget size and should be taken into consideration when planning your fund allocation.

What should I spend my cybersecurity on?

5 Important Areas To Spend Your Cyber Security Budget

  • Security Awareness Training and Phishing Training.
  • Governance, Risk, and Compliance.
  • Security Tools and Measures.
  • Cyber Insurance.
  • Measurements and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

What is the average cyber security salary by state?

Cybersecurity Salary by State

State Computer Network Architects Computer Programmers
Alaska $94,250 $86,080
Arizona $101,750 $95,900
Arkansas $89,840 $71,540
California $127,500 $97,470