
How much does it cost to file a PIL in India?

How much does it cost to file a PIL in India?

What is the cost incurred to file a PIL? A PIL itself is cheap compared to other court cases. One has to pay a court fee of Rs 50 for each respondent and affix it with the petition.

How much does it cost to file a case in Supreme Court in India?

The Supreme Court Rules prescribe the court-fee of Rs. 250 if the “amount of value of the subject matter in dispute” is Rs. 20,000, or below.

How do I apply for PIL in the Supreme Court?

Steps to be taken for filing a Writ Petition / PIL:

  1. Approach a public interest lawyer or organization to file the case.
  2. Collect necessary documents such as title deeds, proof of residence, identity proof, notice, resettlement policy if any, and photographs of the eviction.

Can we file a case directly in Supreme Court?

Under Article 32 of the Constitution of India any person can file a Writ Petition in the Supreme Court of India seeking to protect his/her fundamental rights, guaranteed by the Constitution of India. Any person can directly approach the Supreme Court of India only in the above mentioned situation.

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How much does PIL cost?

How much does it cost to file PIL? The court fee for filing PIL that is a writ petition under Article 32 of the constitution is generally Rs. 500 per petitioner. Additionally, the prices on documentation (printing, photocopying, etc.)

How much does a Supreme Court case cost?

Supreme Court: The fee for filing petitions for review in civil cases and writ petitions within the original civil jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is now $710. The corresponding fee for filing responsive documents is now $390.

How do I file an online petition to the Supreme Court?

  1. Step 1: Visit the Website of Supreme Court of India.
  2. Step 2: Click on E-FILING Button.
  3. Step 4: Chose User Type Petitioner in Person or AOR Number.
  4. Step 5: If you are Petitioner in Person.
  5. Step 1: Visit the Website of
  6. Step 2: Click on E-FILING Button.
  7. Step 3: click on Login Button.