
How much money do Erasmus students get?

How much money do Erasmus students get?

A supplementary Erasmus+ grant, which provides an extra €120 per month (€4 per day), is available for students from lower-income backgrounds who are undertaking an Erasmus+ study placement. For UK students, this normally applies if your annual household income is £25,000 or less.

What do you do after Erasmus?

How to overcome your post-Erasmus depression

  1. Do a fun activity or help out other international students!
  2. Keep in touch with your Erasmus friends!
  3. Embark on a new study adventure and apply for a full Master’s degree.
  4. Popular study abroad options.

What are the benefits of exchange?

Exchange programs create opportunities: opportunities for participants to learn, to prosper, and to work with others to solve shared problems and ensure a secure future. Exchanges create future leaders who instinctively appreciate the value of international collaboration, understanding, and empathy.

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Who is paying for Erasmus?

the European Commission
Eligible students receive an Erasmus+ grant provided by the European Commission – this is paid through your institution. This grant contributes towards the extra costs that you may encounter from studying abroad. For 2018/19 the grant can be up to €300 to €350 a month, depending on the country you visit.

Do you get paid to go on Erasmus?

Successful applicants for the Erasmus exchange programme do not pay fees at their chosen institution. Erasmus students receive a study grant, which is provided by the European Commission. The aim of the grant is to assist students with travel and initial moving costs.

What are the benefits of Erasmus Mundus scholarship?

Not only is it open to any citizenship in the world, but the scholarship covers the tuition fee, living costs, and health insurance. The students receive a lot of help from their universities (such as finding housing, or visa related matters).

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Can I work after Erasmus?

Even students still in their home country have a much more international viewpoint in part as a result of their Erasmus experience. A full 93\% of former Erasmus students can envisage themselves living and working overseas, compared to only 73\% of their stay-at-home peers.