
How much money do you need in your account to move to New Zealand?

How much money do you need in your account to move to New Zealand?

You must have a return ticket or sufficient funds to buy one when entering the country, and a minimum of NZ$4,200 in your bank account.

Can I move to New Zealand during Covid?

Entry to New Zealand from all countries remains strictly controlled to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. If you are not in a Quarantine-free Travel Zone you still have to go through Managed Isolation.

What do you need to know about moving to New Zealand?

New Zealand is a remote island, and expats should carefully plan the steps they take to move here. This guide will prepare you for all the requirements to move to New Zealand, from warnings about short visa application windows, to an explanation of the potentially confusing healthcare system.

Is it easy to get a job in New Zealand?

“Is it easy to get a job in New Zealand?” is probably one of the most asked questions we received from working holidaymakers. The good news is that, yes, it is very easy to get a job in New Zealand! Some of the jobs below are in such a high demand that employers will give a shot to anyone that just shows up.

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Why work in New Zealand as an international traveller?

One of New Zealand’s largest industries provides jobs for thousands of international travellers each year. The ability to speak multiple languages and relate to international travellers is very much needed in New Zealand for jobs such as receptionist, front-of-house, guides, promo staff, etc.

How to settle in New Zealand?

Another way of settling in New Zealand is through the Business Residence visa. This is only applicable for individuals who have been participating in business within New Zealand and those who have a capital to invest in the country. Individuals who qualify for this visa will be granted residence to stay in New Zealand permanently. 3.