
How old is Poirot meant to be?

How old is Poirot meant to be?

As an old man at the end of the Great War, by 1970 when he died, Poirot must have been somewhere between 110 and 130 years old! Christie has noted she made an error making Poirot old in The Mysterious Affair at Styles.

How old was the character Hercule Poirot?

Hercule Poirot, through Christie’s novels, is said to have aged to 105.

Who was Poirot in love with?

Countess Vera Rossakoff
Countess Vera Rossakoff is the only woman with whom Hercule Poirot has ever admitted to being in love. The countess’ true name is a mystery.

How old was Poirot when retired?

Poirot was apparently born in Spa, Belgium and, based on the conjecture that he was thirty at the time of his retirement from the Belgian police force at the time of the outbreak of the First World War, it is suggested that he was born in the mid-1880s.

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What does Hercule Poirot drink?

Poirot is very particular about what he drinks. He regularly consumes hot chocolate and tisanes, but he once called decaffeinated coffee an ‘abomination’. 18.

Does Poirot have a wife?

While Hercule never marries, he has one love interest throughout the series who appears only briefly in one novel and two short stories, The Big Four, The Double Clue and The Capture of Cerberus.

What does Poirot eat for breakfast?

We’re making Poirot’s breakfast! Every single morning the detail-oriented detective eats the same thing: two symmetrical boiled eggs and a piece of toast cut into perfect squares, trimmed of crust. And in the TV show, the toast squares are topped with perfect circles of jam.

What kind of tea does Hercule Poirot drink?

Hercule was not a lover of tea leaves, but preferred to drink the herbal variety, his favourite would always be camomile based, and this allowed him to relax and would let his little grey cells work for him. This tea blend is a delightful mix of Vanilla Rooibos, with just the right balance of Camomile and Lavender.