
Is 3 Step layup legal?

Is 3 Step layup legal?

At first glance, it sure looks like Harden is taking three steps before he scores the ball, which would be against the rules and should be whistled as a travel. But if you look at the NBA rule book and watch the play again, it’s pretty clear this isn’t traveling. It’s a totally legal move.

When shooting a layup how many steps are offensive players allowed to take?

b. A player who receives the ball while he is progressing or upon completion of a dribble, may take two steps in coming to a stop, passing or shooting the ball. A player who receives the ball while he is progressing must release the ball to start his dribble before his second step.

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Is a travel 2 or 3 steps?

At every level of basketball, 3 steps is a travel. It may look like Harden is traveling every times he drives to the basket, but if you look closely and in slow motion, he only takes two steps most of the time after he gathers the ball.

Why is Euro step not traveling?

When applied to the Harden Euro step in question, the NBA rules on gathering appear to indicate that the referees were correct in not issuing a traveling call. Fans and the Jazz announcers mistakenly labeled the planted left foot as Harden’s first step even though it came before he gathered the ball.

What does the F stand for in beef?

“BEEF” is an acronym for the four major components of correct shooting. It stands for Balance, Eyes, Elbow, and Follow-through.

What foot do you jump off for a layup?

Jump off of your left foot. Your body should be moving toward the basket, but don’t lean forward. Ideally, you’ll be positioned close enough to the basket that you can jump straight up to take your shot. As you jump, bring the ball out of the dribble to your chest to prepare for the shot.

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Why is traveling not called in the NBA?

Yup, to make more money, the NBA calls less traveling and concentrates on the contact fouls. Even just last season, the NBA changed the shooting foul concept so that free throws are awarded less. Free throws take A LOT of the running time they have on TV and cutting that down saves them money.

Who invented eurostep?

The Lithuanian Sarunas Marciulionis is credited with bringing the Euro step to the N.B.A. He played with four teams in the 1990s before it became common for international players to join the N.B.A. Ginobili then perfected and popularized the move.