
Is 351 Cleveland better than Windsor?

Is 351 Cleveland better than Windsor?

The 351 Cleveland is a member of the 335 series family of Ford small-block engines. Its large ports and oversize canted valves give it more horsepower and allow it to run at a higher rpm than the Windsor. The valve covers have a twisting curve and are attached by eight bolts.

What’s the horsepower of a 351 Cleveland?

Horsepower. The 351 was available as a two-barrel which was a basic engine and a four-barrel, or performance, engine. The two-barrel was rated at 240 horsepower while the four-barrel was rated at 285 horsepower.

Can you put 351 Cleveland heads on a 351 Windsor?

Performing the swap requires some minor machining and a special intake manifold to mate the Cleveland-style heads to the Windsor block. Because the 351C employs vastly different cylinder heads, with canted valves, than the 289/302/351W, the pistons are designed for a different combustion chamber.

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How do you tell if you have a 351 Cleveland or Windsor?

Three Easy Visual Differences Between the 351C and 351M

  1. Cleveland engines share a bellhousing bolt pattern with the Windsor family.
  2. Due to a higher deck, the 351M’s intake manifold is wider than a 351C.
  3. Motor Mounts.351 Cleveland mounts use two bolts to attach to the engine, whereas the Modified uses three.

Is a 351C a big block?

The 351C used the “Small Block” bellhousing bolt pattern. The 351M/400 used the “Big Block” bellhousing bolt pattern.

Is the 351C a big block?

What is the difference between a Windsor and Cleveland engine?

Windsor valve covers use 6-bolt covers, whereas the Cleveland/Modified uses 8-bolt covers. Timing Chain. Cleveland/Modified engines have the timing chain recessed into the front of the block itself, and its timing cover is essentially just a flat piece of metal.

How can I get more horsepower out of my 351 Cleveland?

It is all in what you want from your Cleveland. If you want highend horsepower, increase carburetor size conservatively in 50- to 100-cfm increments. If you want stump-pulling torque, go smaller in the 600- to 650-cfm range. Single-plane manifolds make sense for high-RPM use or when you increase displacement.

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What is a Clevor?

The Clevor is similar to the Boss 302. It consists of a Windsor block outfitted with Cleveland cylinder heads. It’s not limited to a particular displacement and can be built on a 302 or 351W platform. Unlike the old days, many off-the-shelf components are available for the Clevor.

Are 302 and 351 the same block?

On a 302 (or smaller c.i.d.) blocks, the distributor mount is almost flush with the top of the block (where the intake sits). A 351W block is taller. So, the distributor mount is below the block surface where the intake sits. There is also more space between the water passages and the cylinder heads.

Is the Ford 351 Windsor a good engine?

Ford’s 351W engines are virtually bulletproof. The blocks, even on the 1975+ models, are very stout and will not give any problems until serious power is added. The rods, pistons, and other internal components are rock solid as well. Overall, the 351 Windsor is a tough engine and is built to take a beating.