
Is a graduate assistantship considered a fellowship?

Is a graduate assistantship considered a fellowship?

An assistantship is different from a fellowship. While you still receive money for school, you agree to work on campus. Assistantships work in the same way as work-study programs, but instead of working in the cafeteria or for housekeeping, you usually do work relating to your major.

Is a graduate assistantship considered an award?

Although merit is certainly a factor in the hiring of research assistants, most people don’t consider assistantships as “grants or awards”. They are jobs. List them under “Positions Held” or “Academic Appointments” or the equivalent heading on your CV.

How competitive are graduate assistantships?

Assistantships are highly competitive and landing a graduate assistantship is difficult. Those who wish to apply for one should present themselves in the best possible way to have a fighting chance at landing one. Graduate assistantship positions are not available in every graduate program and at every college.

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What is a fellowship vs assistantship?

Fellowships generally are awarded to students who may freely select the faculty adviser with whom they will conduct research while receiving their stipend. Fellowship assistantships are employees of Purdue. Fellow assistantships receive payments (salary), which is taxable income reported by Purdue to the IRS.

What’s the difference between fellowship award and scholarship?

Fellowship funding is usually awarded for doctoral research based on the various specialized areas. It is merit-based, but generally not need-based. Scholarship are usually based on merit and are sometimes need-based. …

Does a graduate assistantship count as professional experience?

A two-year graduate assistantship is usually the predominant professional experience on a newly-minted student affairs masters-level graduate. Two years of GA experience at 20 hours per week is considered by many to be the equivalent of 1 year of professional experience.

Are TA considered faculty?

TAs cannot write letters of recommendation for graduate school, because they are not actually professors. This is NOT just because professors and graduate programs are elitist and status-obsessed. Rather, it is because TAs have not finished their Ph.

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Do graduate students count as employed?

Graduate students are not “employees” with a right to unionize, according to a rule proposed today by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), an agency that’s tasked with enforcing U.S. labor laws.