
Is an adiabatic process always reversible?

Is an adiabatic process always reversible?

No irreversibility = no entropy generation within the system. Also, if the process is adiabatic, there is no loss or gain of heat in the system so no entropy change due to heat interaction either. We conclude – All Isentropic reversible processes are adiabatic or all isoentropic adiabatic processes are reversible.

Is it necessary for a process to be internally reversible and adiabatic to be isentropic?

A reversible adiabatic process is definitely isentropic but an isentropic process need not necessarily be reversible adiabatic but it is adiabatic definitely. adiabatic process occurs without heat transfer with its surrounding.In isentropic process entropy remains constant,it is known as reversible adiabatic process.

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Which of the following statement is true if the process is adiabatic and reversible it must be isentropic?

A) We know that in adiabatic expansion, the heat of the system remains constant. Isentropic process is a process in which the entropy remains constant throughout the reaction. All the reversible adiabatic processes are isentropic processes because entropy remains the same in the reactions.

What is difference between adiabatic and isentropic?

The two terms Isentropic and Adiabatic are used to name either thermodynamic processes or systems where those processes take place. The main difference between isentropic and adiabatic is that isentropic means constant entropy whereas adiabatic means constant heat energy.

Which one of the following characteristics does not change during a reversible adiabatic process?

Entropy remains constant in an adiabatic process which is also reversible. Also, the process is reversible, so there is no entropy generated inside the system and the entropy change due to entropy generation is zero. In this way, the entropy change is zero for an adiabatic process which is also reversible.

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When an adiabatic process is an isentropic process?

Basically isentropic process is just a process in which entropy of system remains constant. And adiabatic is the process in which the heat transfer is zero in the process. When the adiabatic process is carried out reversibally then it is called isentropic process.

Which of the following statement is true if the process is adiabatic and reversible it must be isentropic Mcq?

Q. Which of the following statement is true?
B. if the isentropic process is adiabatic, it cannot but be reversible
C. if the process is adiabatic and reversible, it must be isentropic
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» d. all of the mentioned

Which one of the following reversible process is called as isentropic process?

Reversible adiabatic process
Reversible adiabatic process is also called isentropic process.