
Is being a oil rig worker hard?

Is being a oil rig worker hard?

Work on an offshore rig or platform is undoubtedly challenging, even for the senior staff. Limited personal space, a prolonged absence from friends and family, and a taxing work schedule are not for everyone. Yet for all the challenges, work on an offshore platform also offers opportunities for a lucrative career.

What is life like on oil rig?

Living Conditions Many rigs have around 200 people living and working onboard, and inside look like a cross between a hotel and an office. Cabins are shared, usually 2-4 to a room, with bathrooms shared by cabins. All cooking and cleaning is done for you, with a canteen providing all meals and snacks.

How much do oil rig workers get paid per month?

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Pay for Oil Rig workers varies greatly — however for entry-level positions as a laborour you can easily make $4000/mo while working on an offshore oil rig, and around $3000 a month working onshore. If you have a degree or a couple years experience you can easily make $6,000 -> $10]

What is it like to live on an oil rig?

Your quarters and food are all provided for you for free and working and living on an oil rig can be a little like living in a mini-city, isolated from the rest of the world.

Should I work on a land-based or offshore rig?

That said, you could always work on a land-based rig, or as part of a seismic exploration team. The pay for land-based positions isn’t quite as high as for offshore positions, however you will be able to go home at the end of the day, in the majority of cases.

How much do offshore oil drilling jobs pay?

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In the world of offshore oil drilling, the salaries for even entry-level positions range from $47,000 to $80,000 per year. More technical positions, such as Chief Electrician, and managerial positions, such as Installations Manager and Company Man, produce salaries of $83,000 to $160,000 per year.