
Is BITSAT prep guide enough for JEE Main?

Is BITSAT prep guide enough for JEE Main?

The syllabus for JEE Main and BITSAT is more or less the same, hence, preparing for JEE Main should be enough. Both JEE Main and BITSAT are conducted every year for admissions to engineering courses and the total number of candidates appearing for these exams range in lakhs.

Which is the best book to crack BITSAT?

Best Books for BITSAT 2022

  • Concepts of Physics by H.C. Verma Vol 1 and Vol 2.
  • Arihant Physics by D. C. Pandey.
  • Problems in General Physics by I.E. Irodov.
  • Advanced level Physics by Nelson and Parker.
  • Fundamentals of Physics Resnick, Halliday, Walker.

Is Arihant BITSAT book enough for BITSAT 2021?

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In order to score good marks in BITSAT it is very important that your concepts should be clear and you should have strong fundamentals. You should read NCERT books throughly. Yes, Arihant book is good for your preparation.

Is BITSAT syllabus same as JEE mains?

Yes, syllabus of JEE Main and BITSAT is almost same. Difference in both the exam is BITSAT is speed test. Generally, questions in JEE Main is application based and questions in BITSAT is knowledge based. If you are well prepared for JEE Main you can easily crack BITSAT.

How is Bitsat preparation different from JEE?

Exam Pattern & Difficulty Level of Questions In BITSAT exam, candidates have to solve 150 questions in 180 minutes or 3 hours while in the JEE Main exam, candidates have to solve just 90 questions in 180 minutes. Hence, speed matters more in BITSAT along with the accuracy.

Which is better MTG or arihant for BITSAT?

Not many books are recommended BITSAT, but among them, Arihant is the most recommended.

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Is Arihant guide enough for BITSAT Quora?

The answer: Yes , only the Arihant book is enough, because almost the entire syllabus is common between JEE , Boards, IPU CET and BITSAT exams and i am pretty sure you must already have tons of books for the same. Its essentially the same Maths, Physics and Chemistry that you have been studying for the past two years.

Is Arihant prep guide enough for JEE mains?

Answer. See,it’s a good book series but it’ll take a lot of time to complete all the books. You don’t need these books if you’re just focusing on JEE Main,but they can be very helpful for Advanced.

Is Jee needed for BITSAT?

BITSAT is an online entrance test for admission to various engineering courses in BITS colleges. JEE Main is the qualifying exam for JEE Advanced. BITSAT exam has two additional sections along with PCM – English and Logical Reasoning. JEE Main and JEE Advanced both have PCM subjects only.