
Is Bold org secure?

Is Bold org secure?, a streamlined, secure scholarship service, matches students to scholarships based on the student’s profile. We interviewed Dror Liebenthal, Cofounder & CEO, about why is a great place for students to search for scholarships.

Does bold org sell information?

Access, Deletion and Do Not Sell Right You can opt-out from our potential sale of your Personal Information as described below (“Do Not Sell My Information”). Alternatively, you can contact us for more information or to make a request regarding your Personal Information.

How do you get the money from bold org?

The Bold Foundation holds the scholarship donation in cash escrow until you’ve selected your winner, at which point we’ll distribute the funds to the winner as specified by your award specifications.

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What is bold Org scholarship?

As you join the platform, you get the opportunity to showcase your goals, achievements, and drive to scholarship panels via your student profile. The $25,000 “Be Bold” Scholarship is a no-essay scholarship that will be awarded to the applicant with the boldest profile.

What scholarships are legit?

The Best Scholarship Websites

  • was originally founded in 1999, and now boats more than 2.7 million scholarships with a total value of more than $19 billion in value since its launch within its record database.
  • FastWeb.
  • The College Board.
  • SallieMae.
  • Zinch.

What happens if you win a scholarship on bold org?

Awarding. After successful notification of a scholarship award and verification, will provide payment of the award to the scholarship winner’s accredited academic institution to be applied towards tuition after receiving proof of enrollment.

How do you get nominated on bold?

Q Who can be nominated? A Companies, private or public, as well as entrepreneurs and nonprofits that demonstrate BOLD bets are eligible. Organizations may be small and growing or large and established or somewhere in between. Nominees must be Minnesota-based, or have made a significant contribution or impact here.