
Is detention barracks a criminal record?

Is detention barracks a criminal record?

Unlike in the civilian criminal courts, military offences are generally non-registrable and any time spent in the SAF Detention Barracks does not necessitate a criminal record.

Can you skip NS in Singapore?

If you leave Singapore, technically you’re safe from National Service (NS). The catch is though, you can’t ever come back into the country, because if you or any of your family members do land in the Singapore Airport even in transit, you can possibly be jailed and fined.

What does serving National Service NS mean to you?

NS is a mandatory conscription and duty that every male citizen and PR must undertake upon attaining the age of 18. To date, more than 900,000 male Singaporeans have served NS and journeyed through this rite of passage.

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What is DB in Singapore?

DB acronym for Detention Barracks is a well-known term among Singaporean males who serve or had served National Service. Detention Barracks as the name suggest is a military prison where military/national service personnels are imprisoned for military offences.

Who does military law apply?

Military law can be applied to civilians, but only in special circumstances. If a nation declares “martial law,” military authority replaces civilian authority. Under martial law, the military operates the police, courts, and legislature instead of the civilian government.

What is inside a DB box?

It is an enclosed steel box that basically houses various circuit breakers and other electrical components that maintain the power supply in your home.

What is the history of basic military training in Singapore?

Before the official inauguration of the centralised Basic Military Training Centre (BMTC) in 1996, the recruits were trained in two major camps at Nee Soon and Pulau Tekong. A small number of other enlistees was recruited directly in units through the mono-intake system introduced since 1980.

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What is the Armed Forces Day in Singapore?

On 1st July 1969, Singapore also celebrated its first Armed Forces Day (SAF Day) to mark the armed forces’ loyalty and dedication to the nation. A 1,500-strong contingent of national servicemen and servicewomen was involved in the special day filled with parades and open houses.

What is the history of national service in Singapore?

On 28 March 1967, registration was first opened for all 18-year-old male Singaporeans. Only one tenth of the 9,000 applicants was selected for full-time NS due to the limited training facilities. The remaining was posted to part-time national service at the People’s Defence Force (PDF), the Special Constabulary and the Vigilante Corps.

What is the age limit for the Singapore military service?

The new law required the local men of ages between 18 and 20 to be called up for trainings at the Singapore Military Force (SMF) or the Civil Defence Corps (CDC). Those who failed to register would be fined or jailed.