
Is hardworking similar to endurance?

Is hardworking similar to endurance?

Yes. In quite a number of contexts, Endurance can be used to indicate hard work. Endurance typically means the capacity or the ability to face, bear, or withstand a hardship or any difficult situation. It is synonymously used with tolerance, patience, hardness, etc.

What is the synonym of endurance?

stamina, staying power, fortitude, perseverance, persistence, tenacity, pertinacity, doggedness, indefatigability, tirelessness, resoluteness, resolution, determination.

How do you describe someone with endurance?

the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions; stamina: He has amazing physical endurance. lasting quality; duration: His friendships have little endurance. something endured, as a hardship; trial.

Is endurance a positive word?

Endurance is the ability of an organism to exert itself and remain active for a long period of time, as well as its ability to resist, withstand, recover from, and have immunity to trauma, wounds, or fatigue. Increasing endurance has been proven to release endorphins resulting in a positive mind.

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Is endurance a quality?

1. The quality or power of withstanding hardship or stress: stamina, staying power.

What does endurance mean?

Definition of endurance 1 : the ability to withstand hardship or adversity especially : the ability to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity a marathon runner’s endurance. 2 : the act or an instance of enduring or suffering endurance of many hardships.

How does endurance work?

Endurance refers to your body’s physical capability to sustain an exercise for an extended period. Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of your heart and lungs to fuel your body with oxygen. Muscular endurance is the ability of your muscles to work continuously without getting tired.

What determines endurance?

Endurance is the ability to sustain an activity for extended periods of time and usually refers to aerobic ability. Local muscle endurance is best described as the ability to resist muscular fatigue and describes how a given type of contraction can be sustained, typically measured in terms of the number of repetitions.

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What is examples of endurance?

Examples of endurance exercise: Walking briskly. Running / jogging. Dancing. Biking. Climbing stairs at work or at home (if available)

Why do we need endurance?

Muscle endurance is important for daily tasks such as walking and carrying items. By improving your muscular endurance, you improve your muscles’ capabilities to support your daily activities, as well as your performance in sports and exercise.