
Is Hindi easy in Class 9?

Is Hindi easy in Class 9?

NCERT Solution for Class 9th Hindi Class 9 Hindi is somewhat complicated for some students, but due to CBSE Solutions for Class 9 Hindi, the subject seems easy. Students can download NCERT Solutions for Class 9th Hindi and can start with their preparation for the exams right away.

Is Hindi or Sanskrit better?

Most people say that Sanskrit is advisable over Hindi. But I would say that it depends on you. If you think by hearting is easy for you, you must go for Sanskrit. But if you are already good at Hindi and are good at expressing your feelings in writing skills I would suggest you to go for Hindi.

Should I learn Hindi or Sanskrit?

Speaking Hindi, you could communicate with over half a billion people in India. On the other hand, if you are interested in learning classical languages for reading historic texts, then you should learn Sanskrit, an ancient literary language. Knowing Sanskrit, you could read and study many ancient Indian texts.

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Which is more easier Hindi or Sanskrit?

Hindi is easier. Sanskritam has dual in nouns and has many conjugations for verbs and declensions for nouns. Sanskrit isnt as hard as its cracked up to be but getting a grip on the pronunciation can be pretty hard. The grammar is pretty easy in myopinion..

Which is tough Hindi or Sanskrit?

Is Hindi or Sanskrit easier?

For North & North West Indians Hindi would be more easy, since their vernacular language uses lots of Hindi words compared to Sanskrit. Eastern & North Eastern India may feel Hindi as easier than Sanskrit, due to frequent accessibility and use.

Why should we take Sanskrit?

Sanskrit grammar offers a beautifully clear structure as was recognised by Indian grammarians over 2,500 years ago. The script it is written in was designed especially for it and allows us to know with great certainty how it was pronounced. Knowledge of Sanskrit is highly respected by the academic community.