
Is hive a MPP database?

Is hive a MPP database?

Hive and Impala both provide SQL-like interfaces for querying large data sets in Hadoop. While Hive transforms queries into MapReduce jobs, Impala uses MPP (massively parallel processing) to run lightning fast queries against HDFS, HBase, etc.

What are the challenges faced in hive?

There are many real time problems where we need nested queries , whereas hive supports only correlated queries. There is no subtract operation available in hive and thus we need to create two tables and perform left outer join on it with condition to accomplish the task.

How does Hive connect to database?

Create a Connection to Hive Data

  1. In the Databases menu, click New Connection.
  2. In the Create new connection wizard that results, select the driver.
  3. On the next page of the wizard, click the driver properties tab.
  4. Enter values for authentication credentials and other properties required to connect to Hive.
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Does Hive support multiple databases?

Hive supports 5 backend databases which are as follows: Derby. MySQL. MS SQL Server.

How scalability in MPP is done by adding?

MPP databases can scale horizontally by adding more compute resources (nodes), rather than having to worry about upgrading to more and more expensive individual servers (scaling vertically).

Is Oracle a MPP?

Oracle MPP (massively parallel processing platforms)

How do I resolve out of memory error in hive?

If your process attempts to use more than the maximum value, Hive kills the process and throws the OutOfMemoryError exception. To resolve this issue, increase the -Xmx value in the Hive shell script (in MB), and then run your Hive query again. If you find this error message, the JVM heap space is running out of memory.

What is hive database?

Hive is an ETL and data warehouse tool on top of Hadoop ecosystem and used for processing structured and semi structured data. Hive is a database present in Hadoop ecosystem performs DDL and DML operations, and it provides flexible query language such as HQL for better querying and processing of data.

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How does hive deal with structured data?

Hive chooses respective database servers to store the schema or Metadata of tables, databases, columns in a table, their data types, and HDFS mapping. HiveQL is similar to SQL for querying on schema info on the Metastore. It is one of the replacements of traditional approach for MapReduce program.

What database does Hive use?

For single user metadata storage, Hive uses derby database and for multiple user Metadata or shared Metadata case Hive uses MYSQL.