
Is it better to buy VOO or VFIAX?

Is it better to buy VOO or VFIAX?

The most likely reason for VOO’s very slight outperformance may be that the expense ratio of VOO is . 01\% less than that of VFIAX. The fact that there is no expense taken out of the S&P 500 Index explains why that index will always outperform any index fund or ETF that charges investors an expense ratio.

What is the main advantage of mutual and index funds when compared to investing in individual stocks?

Mutual funds can hold many different securities, which makes them very attractive investment options. Among the reasons why an individual may choose to buy mutual funds instead of individual stocks are diversification, convenience, and lower costs.

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What is the difference between Fxaix and VOO?

For cost-conscious investors, the FXAIX Fidelity 500 Index Fund maintains a gross and net expense ratio of 0.015\%. The FXAIX expense ratio is cheaper than the VOO net expense ratio of 0.03\%.

What are the advantages of using an index fund or a fund of funds?

Over the long term, index funds have generally outperformed other types of mutual funds. Other benefits of index funds include low fees, tax advantages (they generate less taxable income), and low risk (since they’re highly diversified).

What is the difference between VOO and Vtsax?

VOO vs VTSAX primarily differ in that VOO is an exchange-traded fund tracking only the S&P 500. Vanguard has an ETF version of VTSAX with is the Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI). VTSAX is an admiral index fund that has a $3,000 minimum initial investment and a lower expense ratio compared to non-admiral funds.

What’s the difference between VOO and Vug?

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The dividend yield for the VOO (1.57\%) is higher than that of VUG (0.63\%). This is expected because VUG consist of Growth companies….An Overview of VUG vs VOO.

Vanguard Growth ETF (VUG) Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO)
Number of Stocks 257 509
\% of 10 largest holdings 45.05\% 27.21\%
Dividend Yield 0.63\% 1.57\%