
Is it better to kill Trevor or Michael in GTA 5?

Is it better to kill Trevor or Michael in GTA 5?

Option B: Kill Michael Killing him feels more than brutal. It feels melancholic, sad, and overwhelming. However, if Franklin kills Trevor instead of his mentor, Michael will get suspicious and run for his life.

Can you play as Michael after you kill him?

This will be a spectacularly heartbreaking moment for the player as they will have to decide whether they want to save Michael or let go. Either way, Michael will trip over and fall to his death. As a result, the player will never be able to play as the quintessential GTA 5 player again.

Why do you kill Michael in GTA 5?

Later, Devin Weston shows up at Franklin’s house and tells Franklin to kill Michael De Santa, due to him also being a liability, for Molly’s death and his failure to kill his family.

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Can you hang out with Trevor after killing Michael?

Trevor won’t hang out with you. Michael will do the same if you kill Trevor. They basically won’t be your friend anymore. The only way to continue hanging out with either one of them is to choose Ending C.

Do you get money after killing Michael?

When you kill Trevor he gives Franklin and Michael more money, but if you kill Michael, Lester gives it to his family, so the best options are to, “kill Trevor” or “Deathwish” for keeping the most money money.

Who killed Trevor Philips?

Subdued, Trevor crawls out the truck and remarks how he thought he was with one “Judas,” but he is in fact surrounded by them. With nowhere to go and with gasoline spilling from the tanker and pooling around him, he resigns himself to his fate and Franklin then shoots the gas, setting Trevor ablaze.

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Who dies at the end of GTA 5?

The last mission of GTA 5 offers you three different options – kill Trevor, kill Michael or Deathwish. Whichever option you choose will bring you to one of GTA 5’s three endings, so, if you want to experience them all, save your game before making your final decision.