
Is it better to pay the original creditor or the collection agency?

Is it better to pay the original creditor or the collection agency?

Working with the original creditor, rather than dealing with debt collectors, can be beneficial. Often, the original creditor will offer a more reasonable payment option, reduce the balance on your original loan or even stop interest from accruing on the loan balance altogether.

Do you pay the original creditor Instead collection?

Unfortunately, you’re still obligated to pay a debt even if the original creditor sells it to a collection agency. As long as you legally consented to repay your loan in the first place, it doesn’t matter who owns it. You may be able to pay less than you actually owe, though.

Should I pay off collections or current debt first?

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Paying your debts in full is always the best way to go if you have the money. The debts won’t just go away, and collectors can be very persistent trying to collect those debts. Before you make any payments, you need to verify that your debts and debt collectors are legitimate.

Do I have to pay a debt collector that bought my debt?

Many people ask, “If a debt is sold to another company do I have to pay?” Once your debt is transferred, you owe the money to the current company rather than the original creditor. However, the new collector must still adhere to all the regular debt collection laws.

Does settling a collection hurt your credit?

Yes, settling a debt instead of paying the full amount can affect your credit scores. When you settle an account, its balance is brought to zero, but your credit report will show the account was settled for less than the full amount.

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What is the safest way to pay a debt collector?

The general consensus? A prepaid card used solely to pay the debt collector can be a relatively safe payment method, but be sure to look for a low-fee card and keep a record of your payment.

Is it worth it to pay off collections?

Contrary to what many consumers think, paying off an account that’s gone to collections will not improve your credit score. Negative marks can remain on your credit reports for seven years, and your score may not improve until the listing is removed.