
Is it easy to learn sax If you play clarinet?

Is it easy to learn sax If you play clarinet?

While clarinet may be harder in general, both instruments have their own characteristics that make them easier or harder to play. The clarinet has more fingerings to learn and it’s more difficult to “cross the break” between registers. Saxophone can be challenging initially because it’s bigger and heavier.

Should you learn clarinet before saxophone?

It is a lot easier to add sax after you learn clarinet, but the initial learning curve is much faster on sax. If you are determined to play clarinet, start there. It will take you longer to reach a minimum level of competence, but sax will come quickly to a clarinet player. Don’t learn both at the same time.

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Can you play saxophone if you can play clarinet?

Same thing goes for the clarinet: you can switch between clarinet and any saxophone very effectively if you use proper embouchure, voicing, finger technique, etc. for each instrument. Flatness on the clarinet is a super-common problem for doublers coming from the saxophone.

Is it easy to switch from clarinet to saxophone?

Generally, transitioning from clarinet to saxophone is easy. Since you’ve already played the sax for a year (even though it was quite a while ago), the transition will be that much easier for you.

Is a saxophone higher than a clarinet?

Regarding note range and power, the clarinet’s range is more expanded than the saxophone, with the former achieving almost four octaves while the latter is about two and a half octaves. This is the exact opposite when it comes to the instruments power with the saxophone being the instrument that can play much louder.

Should I play sax or clarinet?

If a student wants to play mostly jazz, they should consider saxophone first; if they are more interested in orchestral music and classical traditions, they should consider clarinet first.

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Why is the clarinet used more than the saxophone in music?

Saxophone is simply an easier instrument than clarinet overall, and is more commonly used in rock music. It’s the natural choice. That being said, oboists often find clarinet easier because the embouchure is a bit firmer, which they’re used to.

Is it harder to learn the saxophone than other instruments?

The truth is, certain people will have an easier time learning the saxophone than others. For example, students younger than middle school age shouldn’t take saxophone lessons because of their smaller hands and mouth.

What is the easiest saxophone to switch from one to another?

The easiest switch is from clarinet to tenor saxophone; the next easiest is clarinet to any other saxophone. Saxophones often have difficulty learning clarinet, because the saxophone tolerates all kinds of sloppiness in finger placement and embouchure that clarinet will not.

What are the biggest challenges of playing the saxophone?

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One of the biggest challenges of the saxophone is that it’s not an instantly gratifying instrument. It takes a lot of time and effort to develop good tone quality. Some students get frustrated that they don’t sound like a professional within the first month or two.