
Is it expensive to study in NUS?

Is it expensive to study in NUS?

University Fees/ Costs. Cost of Living in the country….Cost of Studying in Singapore.

University Name Tuition Fee* in S$ Tuition Fee* in INR
National University of Singapore 58,000.00 2,772,980.00
Singapore Management University 60,990.00 2,915,931.90
Nanyang Institute of Management 22,800.00 1,090,068.00

How much does it cost to go to NUS?

Applications (the application fee is S$20, or US$ 14.67, or US$1 = S$1.36, as per the exchange value on January 30, 2020) can be submitted online (for the academic year 2020-21, the application opening date was October 15, 2019) along with supporting documents—high school examination result slip; school examination …

How expensive is Singapore to study?

Normally, it costs roughly SGD 8,000 to SGD 9,000 per year to study in a public university. But this is the subsidized price. It costs around SGD 10,000 or more for non-subsidized and non-Singaporean students. Some programs at Singaporean schools are subsidized by the government as well, regardless of nationality.

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Is studying in Singapore cheap?

Singaporean universities are definitely not the most affordable in Asia. However, the government gives financial aid to international students. Those who receive grants pay lower tuition fees than the rest of the international students. Along with subsidized fees, there are many scholarships available.

Where can I pay NUS school fees?

Payment may be made via the Internet Banking platform of DBS/POSB, or OCBC as follows:

  • Use “Bill Payment / Payment” option.
  • Select “NUS – Student Bill” as the Payee.
  • Indicate the A-series Student Number in the reference field of the transaction.

Is it expensive to live in Singapore as a student?

It is important to note that rentals may vary from university to university and the amount is only an average number. The range usually varies from S$150 – s$800. Also, the amounts shared are for students living at university hostels….Entertainment Expenses.

Particulars Average Cost
Grand Total 84 3,874.92
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Can I study in Singapore for free?

Is university education free in Singapore? University education is free only for national and local students of Singapore. However, international students are required to pay tuition fees for their studies.