
Is it too late to start revising for GCSEs?

Is it too late to start revising for GCSEs?

You can never start revising too late, as revision always improves your knowledge and understanding of your subjects. Therefore, even if your exams are right around the corner, start revising! You really should go and find out the things you should be doing on the morning of your exam if you are unsure.

How many hours should you revise for GCSE maths?

Instead aim for 30-45 minute sessions with short breaks in between and ideally no more than 4 hours of study per day. This way you’ll have more productive bursts of revision, rather than trying to cram multiple subjects for hours on end.

How long does it take to prepare for GCSE maths?

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Generally speaking the recommended study durations for a single I/GCSE is 120 hours of study. A double award should take you about 200 hours of study. An A-Level should set you back about 360 hours.

How many months before GCSEs should you revise?

You should begin revision at least six months in advance of your GCSE exams. The amount of time spent revising as well as the revision focus and dedication should increase at the three-month mark, then again at the one month mark and two-week mark.

How many hours a week should you study for GCSEs?

Theory 1 – Study Around 15-20 Hours per Week for Your GCSEs & A-Levels. The Student Room interviewed) a few students that came with some solid advice. One student recommends starting to revise around 2 months in advance of the exams.


7 is equal to an A. 6 is equivalent to a high B.

Can you do GCSEs at 14?

GCSEs are the main qualification taken by 14 to 16-year-olds, but are available to anyone of any age. You can take GCSEs in a wide range of academic and ‘applied’ or work-related subjects at school or your local Further Education (FE) college.

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When should I start revising for GCSE maths?

The average recommended time to start your key revision is two to three months before your first exam. This gives you enough time to go over every subject and topic you need to ensure you remember it on the day.

Do I need A C in GCSE Maths and English?

It’s not just teaching that requires a C in GCSE maths and English. Most graduate careers have this requirement – they want to see that you have basic literacy and numeracy skills. In the most recent Edexcel maths exams you only needed 17\% to get a standard pass (grade 4 which is the equivalent of a low C).

Is my son’s GCSE result too bad?

The result is not too bad but still a bit disappointing. First of all, your son has done really well to get the grades he has achieved. I appreciate though that he might be a bit disappointed if he was expecting higher grades. I would suggest contacting his school and asking their advice on whether a review of marking would be a good idea.

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How can I help my granddaughter with her GCSE Maths results?

The Exam Results Helpline on 0800 100 900 can also offer some further guidance on maths GCSE, functional skills and apprenticeship options in relation to the career path that your daughter would like to take. My granddaughter got 12 grade 9s. Where does this sit her in the UK rankings? Your granddaughter has done really well.

What GCSEs do you need to become a maths teacher?

GCSE Maths C or above is compulsory. If you are taking classes/entering yourself into the GCSE exams then you may be able to apply if you say this in your statement – the offer will be conditional on you passing the GCSE Maths. If you wish to teach primary, a C in science will also be essential. Good luck! Rep:?