
Is it worth it to join the National Guard?

Is it worth it to join the National Guard?

For many individuals, joining the National Guard is a great honor. It allows you to travel to different parts of the world without being an active-duty soldier. The lessons and skills you’ll learn from the National Guard can translate into a useful experience when finding a civilian job.

What are the cons of joining the National Guard?

List of the Cons of the National Guard

  • It is a commitment which you generally cannot quit.
  • It could require you to go into combat.
  • It may require a lengthy deployment.
  • It takes longer to receive promotions.
  • It works on a smaller budget.
  • It does not provide certainty in deployment.
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Do people look down on the National Guard?

First to your actual question; yes and no. Some active duty military personnel look down on “weekend warriors” and some don’t. If you were in a reserve component but did a tour in a combat zone you are less likely to be looked down upon, but again, it varies from person to person.

Does National Guard go to war?

Could I be sent into combat? Yes. Because of the National Guard’s dual state-federal mission, Guard members can be mobilized to protect and defend America in battle domestically or overseas.

Which is better the National Guard or Reserves?

If you want to serve with the option of travel, a Reserve job may be a better fit for you than a National Guard option though again, your experience may vary. Active duty service is very tempting for those who want both the maximum amount of military benefits offered and the potential for travel and relocation.

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Can you work a civilian job while in the National Guard?

In general it is safest to keep your civilian job completely separate from your military service. Some troops serve on active duty in the National Guard but are stationed close enough to their home address that they can effectively work their civilian job at the same time.

What is the life of a National Guard?

A Day in the Life of a Army National Guard. As a member of the Army National Guard, you will be required to serve for as little as one weekend a month and two weeks a year (usually during the summer). One major difference between the National Guard and the Army is that the work opportunities differ by state.

What happens if you miss a drill weekend?

The rules for guard members missing drill and what can be done about it vary from state to state. In practice, punishments for missing a part or all of a weekend drill range from nothing, to not being paid, to having to make up the drill, and in some rare instances arrest and punishment.