
Is Joomla still good?

Is Joomla still good?

Joomla! is still considered a good option for creating governmental websites. It might be tough for Joomla to compete with WordPress, but it can give a rough time to Drupal. Joomla!, if it positions itself smartly, can tackle that as its management and development is way easier than Drupal.

Which one is better Joomla or WordPress?

Conclusion. In some ways, Joomla is more flexible than WordPress. However, between WordPress vs Joomla there can only be one winner, and the crown must go to WordPress. It beats out Joomla when it comes to SEO, customization possibilities, and content management – so the choice is clear.

What is latest version of Joomla?

Joomla! CMS versions

CMS Version Notes
3.10 17.08.2023 3.10.3
3.9 3.10 release 3.9.28
3.8 3.9 release 3.8.13
3.7 3.8 release 3.7.5
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Is Joomla more secure than other platforms?

According to Sucuri’s data, Joomla sites seem to experience a higher number of hacked sites in comparison to their market share. But again, there’s nothing inherent in each that makes one platform more or less secure in the majority of situations.

Is Joomla the future of CMS?

The core functionality is fragile and is still based on the age-old traditional semantics. The CMS, on the whole, has not evolved as was expected to such a point, where Joomla could have challenged the supremacy of WordPress or Drupal, etc.

Is joomla in decline?

The most disturbing part is that Joomla’s decline is real. Over past one year, it has seen its market share shrinking from 3.25\% to almost 3\%. This means development talent for Joomla is also shrinking and so is the possibility of the induction of newer talents.

What is the market share of Joomla and WordPress?

In terms of the market share of the content management system market, WordPress holds an even more dominant 40.0\% market share. Launched in 2005, Joomla is almost just as old as WordPress.