
Is kaist good for international students?

Is kaist good for international students?

KAIST is a good school: it has a good research-oriented infrastructure, some classes are really good, I made a bunch of international friends and explored Korea while studying there… However, I faced some issues too. The most prominent, of course, was the language barrier.

Is kaist Recognised internationally?

Science, engineering and technology are the school’s main focuses, though the university has branched out in recent years and is now internationally accredited in business education too.

Is Korea university good for computer science?

Is South Korea a good place to study Computer Science? South Korea is highly regarded for its Information Technology. The country has consistently secured a top spot on the list of some of the well-known innovation rankings.

Which is the best university in South Korea for Indian students?

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Top Universities to Study in South Korea

University Location
KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Daejeon
Seoul National University Seoul
Chonbuk National University Jeonju
Korea University Seoul

Is KAIST a private university?

The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) is a national research university located in Daedeok Innopolis, Daejeon, South Korea. KAIST was established by the Korean government in 1971 as the nation’s first public, research-oriented science and engineering institution.

How many Indian graduates have no jobs after 6 months of graduation?

>70\% of Indian graduates have no jobs in India after 6 months of graduation. In the same class, some students get placed while others don’t. If getting a job is a function of the country, college name and faculty alone, that won’t happen. The fact is finding a job is a very individualistic achievement, it’s all about cracking that interview.

What is the career progression of MIS in Computer Science?

MIS graduates also work on roles listed above in Computer Sciences too. But, the career progression is good to go up in ladder as manager or even higher as you have business knowledge on overall enterprise and how to manage information systems. Bottom line, I have seen many of my friends with MIS degree work in Computer Programming jobs.

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Is an MIS degree good for a career in ERP?

Because MIS has a little bit of business and Management piece tied to it, they are good for entering ERP related careers like SAP or Oracle Apps. It does not mean Computer Sciences degrees holders cannot; it is just a good career progression.