
Is leaving your cat outside bad?

Is leaving your cat outside bad?

Outdoor cats are much more exposed to contracting infectious diseases especially through fighting with other cats. Common serious diseases are Feline Leukemia, Feline AIDS, abscesses, and upper respiratory infections, among others. Toxic substances such as slug pellets, anti-freeze or rat poison, are also dangerous.

Is it safe to allow cats outside?

There are many potential dangers faced by outdoor cats, but some risks can be mitigated. The risk for exposure to fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes is also greater for cats who spend time outside. These pests can transmit the agents that cause diseases, such as feline infectious anemia and heartworm.

How do I report illegal trash dumping in Santa Clarita?

A: If you believe someone is illegally dumping trash on the sidewalks or streets, please report your concern to Environmental Services at (661) 286-4098 and/or the Santa Clarita Sheriff Station at (661) 255-1121. Contact Community Preservation at: 23920 W. Valencia Blvd. Suite 302

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Can I put a container in my front yard in Santa Clarita?

No container placed in any front yard or side yard shall be visible from a public street except during collection hours. (SCMC 15.44.405.E.F) Q: Are home-based businesses allowed in the City of Santa Clarita?

Who is responsible for enforcing the parking code in Santa Clarita?

During a State of Emergency declared to exist within the City of Santa Clarita by the City Council. (SCMC 12.94.020) The City’s Parking Enforcement function is responsible for the enforcement of this code.

Is it illegal to Park on a city street in California?

A: No, City streets are public streets and persons are allowed to park in any area deemed appropriate for public parking. However, vehicles must be moved every 72 hours. If you would like to report a vehicle that has not moved in 72 hours, please contact Parking Enforcement at (661) 286-4166.