
Is Little Sam a Targaryen?

Is Little Sam a Targaryen?

Born Aegon Targaryen, Sam was the son of Rheagar Targaryen and Elia Martell, believed by most to have been killed by The Mountain as a baby. He may not have woken any literal dragons, but his knowledge of Jon’s true parentage may wake Jon as a dragon (by revealing to Jon that he’s a Targaryen).

Who is the blonde girl in Game of Thrones?

Emilia Clarke
Throughout the filming of Game of Thrones, Emilia Clarke—or as fans know her, Daenerys Targaryen—has donned a meticulously manicured blonde wig. Clarke, you see, is actually brunette in real life. Well, she was.

Who played Gilly’s baby in Game of Thrones?


Gilly, by pojypojy
Issue Monster
Father Craster
Book(s) A Clash of Kings (appears) A Storm of Swords (appears) A Feast for Crows (appears) A Dance with Dragons (appears)
Played by Hannah Murray

Why do the white walkers leave Sam?

Speculations On Why The White Walkers Let Sam Live Since Sam saw firsthand the enormity of the White Walkers and their army, he could spread the truth which would result in more fear. Essentially, the White Walkers could have wanted Sam to travel back to the Wall and inform the Night’s Watch of what was coming.

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Does Gilly have Sam’s baby?

Sam is born. Two of Craster’s wives deliver Gilly’s son in a birthing hut. After Gilly and Samwell Tarly notice that her new baby is a boy, they realize that Craster will want to sacrifice him to the White Walkers. Sam visits Gilly, who is deeply distraught about the impending fate of her newborn son.

What happened to Gilly’s baby?

A Feast For Crows However, Jon Snow, the new Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, has swapped Gilly’s son with Dalla’s. This is done to spare the innocent child from Melisandre’s flames on account of his king’s blood, leaving Gilly’s son at the Wall.