
Is Loco real or fake?

Is Loco real or fake?

Loco is a live trivia game show app and has been buzzing on social media lately. The app invites users to play a quiz in real-time and lets them earn real cash if they answer all questions correctly. The quiz takes place twice (1:30 pm and 10 pm) on weekdays, and once (10 pm) on weekends.

Is Loco quiz app safe?

If you are wondering whether “Is loco app safe to use?” Then it’s utterly safe as all the information stays private.

Does Loco give real money?

Loco invites users to play a quiz in real-time and earns money if they answer all the questions correctly. Quizzes are held twice on weekdays (1:30 pm and 10 pm) and once on weekends (10 pm). Loco, formerly known as the Showtime app, is a mobile adaptation of the hit TV show like KBC.

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How can I redeem my Loco money?

Redeem Rewards

  1. Copy the Redeem code from Rewards in History Section.
  2. Open Google Playstore and select Payment Method from the Hamburger Menu.
  3. Click on Redeem Code and paste the Voucher Code to redeem the Google Play Voucher Reward.

What is loco quiz?

Loco, a live trivia game show app, has been buzzing on Indian Twitter lately. Inspired by HQ Trivia — the US app started by Vine Founders Rus Yusupov and Colin Kroll last August — Loco invites users to play a quiz in real-time and lets them earn “real cash” if they answer all questions correctly.

How do you earn gold in loco?

  1. Daily Log-in. Win Gold by daily check-in into the Loco app.
  2. 7 Day Streak. Win Gold by daily check-in into the Loco app for 7 days straight.
  3. Watch Live Stream. Win Gold by daily watching live streams on the Loco app. (
  4. Referral. Win Gold by referring your friends.
  5. Rewarded Video Ad. Win Gold by watching rewarded video ad. (
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How do I start my loco quiz?

How Loco works. Once the app is downloaded and installed, you get started by creating a username of minimum four characters. You can key in a referral code (if any). If you don’t have a code, you may proceed without that.