
Is Loki the best villain?

Is Loki the best villain?

With almost ten years gone since that moment — the ultimate payoff of the biggest gamble — one thing is clear: Loki, the devious trickster and God of Mischief that forced Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to finally assemble, is still the best villain of the entire MCU.

What makes Loki the best villain?

And yet, Hiddleston himself has said that every villain believes he’s the hero of his story – Loki believes he is Asgard’s true hero. That’s what makes Loki a nuanced villain. He is always on the cusp of redemption, which keeps audiences interested in the character.

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Why is Loki so attractive?

Power is always sexy, because the more of it you have, the more you can get whatever you want. And when Loki’s focus is the entire world, that’s quite a bit of power you got there. He has the ability, he has the manpower, he has a massive alien army on his side; this guy means business.

Is Loki a hero or villain?

As in the comics, Loki has generally been a villain in the MCU, variously attempting to conquer Asgard or Earth, and having allied himself with more powerful villains to achieve his aims….Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

Nationality Asgardian

Who is more popular Loki or Thor?

In 2021 alone, Loki’s Fandom page has been viewed 363,000 times, while readers have headed to Thor’s only 184,700 times.

Who’s the best villain in Marvel?

Now, thanks to his starring role in Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame, Thanos is not just seen as Marvel’s biggest villain but he’s a household name in his own right – even recreating his cosmically catastrophic Infinity Gauntlet ‘snap’ to murder half the Marvel Cinematic Universe, just as he did in Marvel Comics.

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Why is Loki a fan favorite?

The way that Loki has been endeared to fans for 10 years is directly because of the man behind the role: Tom Hiddleston himself. The show only gives him more depth, and makes the character that much more nuanced and fun to watch. …

Why is Loki a woman?

Why did Loki turn into a woman? In the comics, Loki is reborn as a woman, known simply as Lady Loki, after the events of Ragnarok in Asgard, but even that wasn’t too innocent: When Thor and his fellow Asgardians are to be reborn in new bodies on Earth, Loki actually stole the body intended to be for Sif.

What type of villain is Loki?

Loki is usually considered as a liar and trickster, but this is only because he wanted to be an equal to Thor. Therefore, Loki does have emotion and he does communicate with some people despite his power and arrogance.

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Is Loki supposed to be handsome?

About Norse Mythology Loki is very handsome. He is plausible, convincing, likable, and far and away the most wily, subtle, and shrewd of all the inhabitants of Asgard.

Who has more fangirls Thor or Loki?