
Is Machine from POI possible?

Is Machine from POI possible?

It is very doubtful.

How does the Machine work person of interest?

The Machine sorts through all available information and categorizes persons of interest into relevant (national security risk) and irrelevant (ordinary risk) cases. It categorizes each POI based on their actions to determine whether they are the victim or the perpetrator (“Nothing to Hide”).

How did root find out about the Machine?

Unlike the situation with main characters like Fusco (Kevin Chapman) and Shaw, Reese and Finch didn’t choose to tell Root about the Machine — she found out on her own. She learned about its existence offscreen after an event that occurred near the middle of season 1.

Why is Samaritan stronger than the Machine?

Team Machine has to hide and can only operate in the dark, while Team Samaritan has assets in the government. The Machine is a closed system, while Samaritan is open. The Machine can only communicate very indirectly with Finch & Co.

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How did POI end?

The war against Samaritan has finally come to an end. In Person of Interest’s emotional series finale, Team Machine finally triumphed over the evil A.I. threatening to take over the world.

Who created Samaritan person of interest?

Arthur Claypool
Samaritan is an artificially super-intelligent mass surveillance system created by Arthur Claypool for the United States government in a project similar to the Machine.

What happens to Reese in person of interest?

Reese makes a dramatic last stand against the agents of Samaritan, and is violently gunned down in his last battle; it was a tragic end for one of the show’s two main protagonists.

What happens to Root in person of interest?

The 100th episode of Person of Interest ended with what could become a controversial twist: brainy hacker Samantha “Root” Groves (Amy Acker) was killed by a sniper bullet while trying to save Harold Finch (Michael Emerson), the creator of a mass-surveillance computer system dubbed The Machine.

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What happens to Harold in person of interest?

Person of Interest concluded its five seasons on Tuesday (June 21) with an epic finale. The episode saw lead John Reese (Jim Caviezel) killed off, while the Machine and Harold Finch (Michael Emerson) survived.

What is Dashwood person of interest?

Ultimately, Finch decided he had to take down Samaritan and said the password: Dashwood—referring to the sisters at the center of Sense and Sensibility. “Those long-time fans of the show remember the importance of the book when Finch proposed to Grace,” Plageman shared.