
Is Marine Corps Officer Candidate School Hard?

Is Marine Corps Officer Candidate School Hard?

Marine Corps Officer Candidate School is one of the most difficult and demanding military training schools in the world. Located in Quantico, VA, Marine OCS is where aspiring young men and woman go with hopes of commissioning in the Marine Corps. Marine OCS is 10 weeks long. For many, it can feel much longer than that.

How do I prepare for officer candidate school?

Tips to prepare for Officer Candidate School

  1. Increase your workouts. Increasing the intensity and frequency of your workouts can prepare you for the physical challenge of Officer Candidate School.
  2. Go hiking.
  3. Practice stretching and rolling.
  4. Start living cleaner.
  5. Prepare yourself mentally.
  6. Understand military basics.

Is it hard to get into Officer Candidate School?

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Only about 60 percent of all those who apply are accepted for attendance at OCS. Civilian college graduate and current military candidates do not compete with each other for available OCS slots. Once selected, the graduation rate for OCS is over 90 percent.

How do you physically prepare for Marine OCS?

It is highly recommended that you achieve 15 miles per week (hike miles can be included) to give you a solid chance of success. Most of the PT undertaken at OCS concentrates on body-weight exercises, such as Push-Ups and Pull-Ups, meaning one has no excuse to not be prepared for this type of PT.

What happens after OCS Marines?

After completion of OCS the Marine will be commissioned as an officer. After that they will attend The Basic School and then be assigned their MOS. After completion of OCS the Marine will be commissioned as an officer. Afterward they will attend The Basic School and then be assigned their MOS.

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What can I expect at Marine OCS?

OCS is where future Marine officers go to receive leadership training. During this time, officers will learn military customs, physical fitness, land navigation, and tactical training. The intent of OCS is to train Marine Corps members to have the knowledge and skills necessary to lead in a challenging environment.