
Is Mocha a framework or library?

Is Mocha a framework or library?

Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js and in the browser, making asynchronous testing simple and fun.

Can we do automation testing using JavaScript?

Well, JavaScript is one of the widely used programming languages as per the Stack Overflow 2020 annual survey. Since most of the developers are familiar with JavaScript, it becomes easy for them to write automation tests in JavaScript and get quick feedback.

How do you run a test with mocha and chai?

With Node installed, open up a terminal or command line in your project’s directory.

  1. If you want to test code in the browser, run npm install mocha chai –save-dev.
  2. If you want to test Node.js code, in addition to the above, run npm install -g mocha.
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What is Mocha and Chai JS?

Mocha is a JavaScript test framework running on Node. js and in the browser. Chai is a BDD / TDD assertion library for NodeJS and the browser that can be delightfully paired with any javascript testing framework. Basically, mocha is a framework and chai is a library.

What is the difference between mocha and chai?

In short, Mocha is a JavaScript test framework that runs on Node. js and also on the ser and allows asynchronous testing along with the use of any assertion library. It tests coverage reports. The basic difference between the two is that mocha is a framework whereas chai is a library.

Which framework is available for JavaScript WebDriver?

WebdriverIO. Not to be confused with Selenium WebDriver, which supports only browser testing, WebdriverIO is a test automation framework for both browser and native mobile testing. It’s highly extensible and can automate tests for a wide variety of apps running in any mainstream browser or mobile OS.

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How JavaScript is used in testing?

Now let’s go through the most preferred JavaScript testing frameworks in detail.

  1. MochaJS. MochaJS has been one of the most popular JavaScript testing frameworks since 2011.
  2. JEST. JEST is arguably the most popular JavaScript testing framework used and maintained by Facebook.
  3. Jasmine.
  4. Karma.
  5. Puppeteer (Node Library)

What is difference between mocha and chai?

In short, Mocha is a JavaScript test framework that runs on Node. Chai can easily be paired with any Javascript testing framework. The basic difference between the two is that mocha is a framework whereas chai is a library.

Do mocha tests run in order?

Mocha will run the tests in the order the describe calls execute.

Does Mocha run tests in parallel?

Mocha does not run individual tests in parallel. If you only have one test file, you’ll be penalized for using parallel mode.