
Is Nzu healthy to eat?

Is Nzu healthy to eat?

“Eating Nzu is a practice that has become addictive to many. Some started it because of pregnancy craving, while, for others, it can be due to iron deficiency anaemia and malnutrition. “Calabash chalk is unhealthy, it contains excess lead compounds capable of harming the body.

What does Nzu does to the body?

The results demonstrate that maternal exposure to Nzu dose-dependently affects pregnancy outcome by potentially inhibiting maternal weight gain, fetal growth, and causing resorption or loss of pregnancy.

Is Calabash Chalk good for the body?

But calabash chalk contains heavy metals like arsenic and lead, which can be dangerous. Despite serious safety concerns, calabash chalk is used for morning sickness, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and skin care, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.

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What is the benefit of calabash chalk?

Calabash chalk is a type of geophagic material that is traditionally consumed by people (especially pregnant women) as a remedy to morning sickness, nausea and for pleasure [1]. It is also used as facial powder and as an antiperspirant when grounded [2].

What is the English name for Nzu?

Nzu, or calabash chalk is an edible clay that is found mainly in Nigeria and other West African countries. The common name is calabash chalk.

Does Nzu contain calcium?

Major and trace elements were determined in nzu (calabash clay) from Abia State, Nigeria, by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Mean calcium content was 1900 ± 100 mg/kg dry weight, followed by Na 1400 ± 96, Fe 1500 ± 480, K 260 ± 150, and Mg 100 ± 48 mg/kg.

What is the meaning of Nzu?


Acronym Definition
NZU New Zealand University
NZU New Zealand Ultimate (recreational athletics)
NZU New Zealand Underwater Association, Inc. (also seen as NZUA)
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What is Nzu Igbo?

NZU is an Igbo word for white kaolin. In Igbo tradition white kaolin is a symbol of purity, peace, happiness and love; hence, when a stranger comes to your house you first present him or her with white chalk which he/her smears on his hand or forehead and you too smear on your own. This is called IMA NZU.

What is Nzu called in English?

Can a pregnant woman eat Nzu?

Nwoke, who works in St. Charles Clinic in Urum, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Awka that Nzu contains a high level of lead which could poison the unborn baby.

What is the meaning of Nzu in Igbo?

Nzu (white chalk) is a very useful element in Igbo culture. It is a symbol of wisdom, peace, purity and clean heart. It is also a symbol of mystical powers capable of revealing the spirit world. A symbol is a sign which represents something deeper than the material object associated with it.