
Is Obito a mirror of Naruto?

Is Obito a mirror of Naruto?

Obito is (intentionally) similar to Naruto. Obito is essentially what Naruto could have been had he (1) been an Uchiha; (2) had bad things happen to him, or (3) chosen to go down the wrong path. Obito and Naruto had similar personalities and backstories, and this resemblance and similarities is very intentional.

What is Obito and Kakashi relationship?

Obito and Kakashi had a complex relationship. However, during a dangerous mission that saw Rin captured, Obito awakened his Sharingan and his dormant abilities came to life. But the mission ended in Obito’s perceived death and the young Uchiha gifted Kakashi with his Sharingan.

Did Obito and Rin get together?

Left shattered by Rin’s death, Obito vowed to create a reality where he and Rin could be together, condemning the rest of humanity to an empty life. After redeeming himself, Obito died fighting alongside Naruto, Kakashi and the others. He then passed on to the afterlife and met Rin who’d been waiting for him.

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Who is Obito to Kakashi?

Obito was Kakashi’s teammate and he was pretty much Naruto (i.e. he was the class clown who aspired to be the Hokage and be better than the class genius: Kakashi). On a mission, Obito is crushed by a rock and give Kakashi his uncrushed sharingan as his Jonin promotion gift.

Was Obito jealous of Kakashi?

It’s also a gift for becoming a jonin, something Obito was only jealous of Kakashi for becoming before. That made Kakashi swear to live his life for Obito. He would see the world for Obito through the gift of his left eye. They were brothers in arms and became friends who would die for each other.

How is Obito related to Sasuke?

Obito and Madara are only related to Sasuke by bloodline. Madara is a little more closely linked to Sasuke in (spoiler alert) the sense that they are both the reincarnation of Indra.

Is Obito a good guy?

Obito is the main bad guy in Naruto. He is responsible for a massive war which took many lives. He also has recruited criminals and hunted people down people with tail beast.