
Is Perplexion a real word?

Is Perplexion a real word?

Yes, perplexion is a word. Origin. Early 16th century; earliest use found in Mary Magdalene. From post-classical Latin perplexion-, perplexio state or condition or being perplexed from classical Latin perplexus + -iō.

What is the meaning of Perplexion?

1 : the state of being perplexed : bewilderment. 2 : something that perplexes. 3 : entanglement.

What is the noun form of perplex?

noun, plural per·plex·i·ties. the state of being perplexed; confusion; uncertainty. something that perplexes: a case plagued with perplexities.

Is Perplexed a feeling?

If you are perplexed, you feel confused and slightly worried by something because you do not understand it.

What is a intricacy?

English Language Learners Definition of intricacy : the quality or state of being complex or having many parts : the quality or state of being intricate. : something that is complex or detailed : something intricate. See the full definition for intricacy in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

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How do you spell skin color?

the natural color, texture, and appearance of the skin, especially of the face: a clear, smooth, rosy complexion. appearance; aspect; character: His confession put a different complexion on things.

Is Perplexed an emotion?

There’s a particular bewildered kind of facial expression that goes along with the word perplexed. It’s the kind of emotion that’s hard to disguise. The Latin root perplexus means “confused or entangled,” and “entangled” is a great way to imagine the tangled thoughts and confusion of someone who’s perplexed.

How do you use the word perplex?

Perplex in a Sentence 🔉

  1. According to the book reviewer, the author’s puzzling writing style will perplex many readers.
  2. The illusion seemed to perplex everyone in the audience.
  3. If the medical testimony is not clearly explained, it may perplex the members of the jury.

What part of speech is the word perplex?

perplex verb – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at

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What does venturesome mean in a person?

Definition of venturesome 1 : inclined to court or incur risk or danger : daring a venturesome investor. 2 : involving risk : hazardous a venturesome journey.