
Is Pottermore quiz accurate?

Is Pottermore quiz accurate?

Pottermore, like most online quizzes, is unreliable. But it’s probably more accurate than I give it credit for. As arbitrary as the questions seem, many of them do a good job of figuring out what you value, and it’s the best test I’ve seen so far.

How do you get Gryffindor on the Sorting Hat quiz?

Each house corresponds to one answer.

  1. Gryffindor = Tell Professor Flitwick to ask your classmate.
  2. Ravenclaw = Tell Professor Flitwick the truth.
  3. Hufflepuff = Lie and say you don’t know.
  4. Slytherin = Don’t wait and tell before the exam started.

Does Mcgonagall wear the Sorting Hat?

Minerva attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was Sorted into Gryffindor House, but it took the Sorting Hat five and a half minutes to decide if she was Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, which made her a Hatstall.

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What did Harry say to the Sorting Hat?

But Dumbledore reminds him of an important detail: Harry had a choice, and he valued the traits of Gryffindor over the traits of Slytherin. In the final book, Harry goes on to tell his son Albus that “the Sorting Hat takes your choice into account.” So you’ll never truly end up somewhere you don’t fit.

Is the Pottermore website safe?

Second, J.K. Rowling pointedly said in her video introduction to Pottermore that it’s designed to be a safe online experience that’s really about the books—it’s not a social networking or role-playing game.

Which Hogwarts house is the strongest?

Hufflepuffs are loyal to their morals and their friends right till the bitter end. They often get stereotyped as not having a lot of ‘strong’ traits but in this regard, they’re actually the strongest of all the houses.

How long did the sorting hat take to sort Hermione?

four minutes
Of Harry Potter’s contemporaries, Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom came closest to being Hatstalls. The Sorting Hat spent nearly four minutes trying to decide whether it should place Hermione in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor.

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Is the Sorting Hat Godric Gryffindor’s?

Owners. The Sorting Hat was a sentient magical hat at Hogwarts that determined which of the four school Houses each new student belonged most to. The Sorting Hat originally belonged to Godric Gryffindor, one of the four founders of Hogwarts. It normally stayed in the Headmaster’s office until it was needed.