
Is Ryzen 7 2700X good with RTX 2060?

Is Ryzen 7 2700X good with RTX 2060?

Yes, as long as the motherboard supports it. However according to the bottleneck calculator, the Ryzen 7 2700X will bottleneck 2 RTX 2060 Supers in SLI. I would suggest either you go with with something like a single RTX 2070 or better or upgrade the CPU to a Ryzen 5 3600X which is fast enough for 2 2060s.

Is Ryzen 7 2700X good for streaming?

The AMD Ryzen 7 2700x is excellent for streaming games. It is really powerful and you can use it for multi-tasking and for intensive CPU tasks.

Does RTX 2060 have NVENC?

One thing that is great about NVENC on the GeForce RTX 20 and 30-series and GeForce GTX 1650 Super and up is that all GPUs have the same NVENC with the same performance and quality, from the RTX 2060 to the RTX 3090.

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Should I use NVENC or x264?

x264 uses your CPU to encode video. On faster presets, the CPU spends less time which is less resource intensive, but produces a lower quality image. NVENC is an NVIDIA encoder that uses a dedicated encoder within your GPU to handle all encoding, allowing you to play and stream without compromising game performance.

Does streaming with NVENC affect FPS?

As you can see, NVENC has the least impact on performance at 60 FPS output. If you reduce the streaming frame rate from 60 to 30, streaming without skipped frames is possible with the faster preset, but from almost no more.

How do I use NVENC?

Hardware encoding has been available on Nvidia cards since early 2012, so if you have a modern Nvidia GPU, you can likely enable it.

  1. Go to settings. Go to ‘settings’, then select ‘output’ from the side menu.
  2. Enable hardware encoding. Under the ‘encoder’ drop down select ‘NVENC H. 264’.
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Should I stream with NVENC?

You might not want to use it is if you’re using x264 (more details below), which can deliver better quality video rendering when tuned correctly, but for most streamers who seek to strike a balance between performance and quality, NVENC is amazing and absolutely the way to go.

What GHz is good for streaming?

Hardware encoding: Higher efficiency, better performance If you want to stream a game at 30 FPS with 1080p resolution at a decent level of quality, you would need to dedicate an entire core of an Intel CPU running at 3 GHz or higher. If you’re using a dual core CPU, that’s 50 percent of your CPU.